Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Butch Walker Withdrawal and Renewal

Finally re-energized after the mercifully short period of lowdown blues that slammed into Bibi the week after seeing Butch perform three times in five days.

But, like the Rolling Stones say, that's all over now; the blues, that is.  Bibi keeps remembering:  man, what a roller coaster rush that week was!   Did spend a short time in the dumps thinking about not being able to speak when Butch signed the motorcycle magazine,

but finally told myself:  whatever!  You did speak when you (finally) met Angus and think about how great and memorable that was for both of you.  LOL

What does Bibi owe the renewed enrgy to?  She's gotten to do some things she loves to do.  Like, talk about: 
  • Butch Walker,
  • the wonderful "Week of 3 Shows (March 11-15)",
  • Butch Walker's music, his voice, his rock star qualities,
  • the set lists in Dallas and in Austin at SXSW,
  • SXSW 2013 as one of the best Spring Breaks ever.  Right up there with the Spring Break in Paris with my favorite person on earth.
  • the development, reveal, and gifting to a select few of the new and best ever, Butch Walker Mixtape IX*
One might ask:  did/does Bibi ever experience a sense of surfeit of Butch Walker?  What a question!  With only one response:  NO!  Really, how could that be possible?  It's not like Butch has shows every day, has frequent mentions on the web, tv or radio.  Even his tweets have become few and not so frequent.  (This is something Bibi actually thinks is good, or at least okay.  Could mean that Butch is too busy working on the upcoming album to be tweeting about the weather where he is, his latest stop at Starbucks, his current favorite cat video.)  A key element for the fan-star set up to exist successfully requires a scarcity on the part of the star. It's basic economics:  if the commodity is scarce, or rare, the consumer wants more of it, waits for it with great anticipation and is willing to pay when it becomes available.  Butch Walker fans are just lucky that he doesn't make us pay high prices to see him; just requires us to wait, wait, wait....  From a marketing standpoint, "[he knows] how hard it is to be the easiest thing to love" and that fans are willing to wait as well as willing to continue as fans.  Butch is definitely worth it!

Bibi doesn't understand how she could have thought that she might not follow the summer tour.  Cats!  Who can understand their labyrinthine thought processes?  (woohoo--check out the big brain on Bibi!)  Sure, she can't be stalker-like about it, make the entire tour, but hopefully some short stints on both coasts.  Bibi realizes there's no chance Butch will come back to Texas and that's fine.  Who wants to go to Amarillo or Corpus Christi during the summer?  Can't imagine that Butch's management team has stats that would back up a tour schedule so bizarre as that. 

Anyway, Bibi has a renewed sense of purpose:  let as many as possible know about Butch Walker, his music, his talents.  Have already given out three copies of BWM IX, made a new supply of the BW cards.  Going to a possibly cool party on Saturday; hoping to let new people know about the one, the only, the truly remarkable and talented, Butch Walker.  I know.  How could it be a cool party if Bibi's invited?  Ha, ha, ha.

Love you, Butch!

*She Likes Hair Bands Bodegas and Blood
Summer of '89
Day Drunk
The Closest Thing to You
Bullet Belt
Sucker Punched
Race Cars and Goth Rock
The Weight of Her
Here Comes the...
Ponce de Leon Ave.
Hot Girls in Good Moods
Bethamphetamine (Pretty Pretty)
When Canyons Ruled the City
Maybe It's Just Me
Pretty Melody
The 3 Kids in Brooklyn

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