Thursday, June 6, 2013

Butch Walker: Will He Get on the Road Soon?

Seems like a long time ago that Bibi saw Butch in concert, although it was only in March. (sigh)  

Lacking any more recent videos or pics Bibi took herself,  enjoy this clip of Butch at Stones Fest, singing Honky Tonk Woman in LA recently:

Butch Rocks it in LA 

Thanks to Grimy Goods online music news for the pic of Butch!  Here's a cut from her comments about the event, germane to a blog that idolizes Butch Walker: 

Some very memorable highlights from Stones Fest L.A.:
Babe Walker, oh excuse me, I mean Butch Walker … He’s always a highlight at the Best Fests. The man killed it on “Honkey Tonk Woman,” and while taking the lead on the show’s closing song, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” where all the performers took part on stage.

Just love that the writer seems as taken with Butch as Bibi is!  Quick disclaimer to the casual reader:  Bibi intends all this gushing as a compliment to Butch, no weirdo/stalker shit, okay?  Just so you know.

While anxiously, fervently, impatiently, longingly awaiting the summer tour, no cure like listening to the Butch Walker Mixtape X in the car and watching/listening to videos on the internet. 

Butch Walker Mixtape X

Bodegas and Blood
Summer of '89
Closest Thing to You
Bullet Belt
Sucker Punched
She Likes Hairbands
Race Cars and Goth Rock
The Weight of Her
Here Comes the ...
Ponce de Leon Ave.
Hot Girls in Good Moods
Bethamphetamine (Pretty Pretty)
Stripped Down Version
Maybe It's Just Me
Pretty Melody
When Canyons Ruled the City
The 3 Kids in Brooklyn

Driving to San Antonio this weekend for the Texas Folklife Festival and plan to listen to Letters, I Liked It Better When You Had No Heart, Sycamore Meadows and the Hey! Album instead of the mixtapes.  Just to get to the deeper cuts of Butch's music.  How could the drive get even better?  Looking forward to it!

Love ya, Butch!

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