Thursday, May 21, 2009

AC/DC (Angus) Showcases Past Videos

Back in the day, we did have cable and it makes you wonder what I was watching on tv if I didn't see any AC/DC videos. (It could be that Bibi wasn't actually around back then, but let's not get into that time continuum-physics thing on this blog.) Anyway, before the Black Ice Tour began, Angus apparently did an hour-long show on MTV reviewing some of those videos. You can see the first part of the program, with Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap and Let There be Rock: . Bon is so wonderful in Let There Be Rock, what a face! The camera loved him! DDDDC captures the raw, live quality AC/DC has always had and their wild fan appeal that transcends specific time periods. whew--that sounds really heavy.

Since Bibi doesn't have cable now, we will never know what the rest of the hour was like. But Angus seemed really game in terms of delivery and odd bits of patter. I'm sure that if I spend hours and hours trolling the web, I could find the rest of that show....hmmm, maybe later, if I'm not busy napping or watching specks on the floor.... or studying my physics books, Aristotle, you know, the usual. Will let you know.

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