Sunday, September 30, 2012

Butch Walker Fever: Intense and Ultimately, A Good Thing

Maybe it was the rain on Saturday, but it was a strange day...just sitting there, in my usual spot at the House of Pies, chatting casually with one of the other regulars and it hit me:  was I being Jehovah's Witness-like, talking to people about Butch Walker?  How did that unsettling thought even materialize?  Wasn't a St. Paul magnitude thing, wasn't struck off the stool or anything, but it did disorient me for a bit, not sure how coherent my conversation was after that point.  The errands were run with this persistent niggling doubt, troubling fog infusing all the tasks with a vague sense of dread:  maybe I was overdoing the "Butch Walker is fantastic and more people need to know about him" message.  Along with all those other negative feelings, how un-cool.  Y'all know how I revel in my vaunted aura of elegant and impenetrable nonchalance....  Way beyond cool, really.

As the day wore on, though, managed to come out of the unexpected and debilitating funk. Thought of a couple more Butch Wallker Mixtape II and II.2 recipients which always makes me feel better--I am on a good crusade.  And, since there's nothing on tv, watched Butch's Live at Budokan dvd again.  Excellent idea!  Like all of it, but love the Atlanta concert section. Butch is just so engaging as a performer.  His electrifying energy, attitudinally full of piss and vinegar, are-you-fucking-ready-for-this? stance, loving the fans and their feverish over the top love for him, on view for everyone to share--just suck it in all the way to the core of you and get totally high off it.  Feel it again, just writing this.  By bedtime, all was very clear in my consciousness about the rightness of my campaign to increase local awareness of Butch Walker's music.  Reinforced it during the breakfast meet-up today, as well.  Ron and Raul do have some insight into my world, so it was greatly appreciated and very reassuring for them say that my occassional obessions are fine/harmless/positive/could have the intended effect, if intense and probably surprizing to those who don't know me well.   (Remember that nonchalant thing about me.)   Maybe since they're profs they have a high tolerance and latitude for individuals expressing their ideas--or, weird possibility:  economists are more open and accepting of wild eyed crazies and their bullshit, er, ideas?   Whatever, I'll take it along with, of course, their friendship.  Also on the plus side, gave the BWMII to Anthony; maybe he'll have some feedback next week.

In line with (some of) this, feeling so centered about my mission in re:  Butch Walker's music, thinking of sending the POTUS one of the BWM versions.  I get a lot of email from President Obama and his supporters--Michelle Obama, Kal Penn, others whose names I immediately delete from my short term memory--so it came to me, why not?  Big decision:  which version--with or without the f and s words?  BTW:  does the soliloquy section of The Weight of Her really count in this?  How many people can hear what Butch says about the shitty car speakers?  Make The BWM II.3?  Have been wanting to make a version with my faves from the original BWM and add She Likes Hair Bands and Going Back/Coming Home.  OK, have to keep thinking about that part.  But, do plan to go forward since it will give me an opp to say some other things to the President:  why I can't contribute any additonal funds, what I think of the opportunities to win a chance to have dinner with him--get serious, his staff would select a voter from Texas?, emphasize Butch's efforts toward increasing voter registration, maybe the Pres needs to carry Georgia?, recommend that Butch Walker be part of the inauguration (fingers crossed) festivities, what I think of undecided voters.  I know, I know, the POTUS has 0.00001 chance of hearing the BWM, but the flunky that does open the letter might listen to it and become a convert and/or maybe they're already a fan.

We will see and I will let you know.

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