Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The AC/DC North American Summer Stadium Tour Begins

Even though there were apparently no set list changes, THEY'RE BACK and that's the important thing. Comments and reviews indicate that Angus and Brian were really energetic and Angus stole the show (news on what planet?), and that Anvil could have been better. Wasn't that what their movie was about? In any case, they're in the US, in the news (from the pics, looks like Angus's hair is longer and Malcolm got a hair cut) and none too soon, I will see them again. WIthout a set list change, guess Las Vegas is not a reality. With a set list change and I win the Lotto, okay, I'm there. Fingers crossed!

As my vast readership understands, this blog is all about BIBILOVESANGUS, basically about Bibi and Angus. However, in this house, the person that doles out the food and treats keeps talking about someone named Sarah. "Sarah wouldn't like to see you on the table," "Sarah would be unhappy that you annoy Hendrix so much", Sarah will probably bring her cat with her at Christmas." Truth be told, once Bibi's sensitive and beautiful little ears hear the word "Sarah", she tunes out, but don't mention it to the keeper of the treats, okay? Who is this Sarah anyway? Some kind of princess? Did she invent cat treats and hold on to the patent? Does she have a direct line to Angus? Is she familiar with the AC/DC discography? Why should she care if I'm on the table or not? I wouldn't care if she were on the table, as long as she didn't crowd me off. But, I digress. What I wanted to say--on MY blog--is that for the last few weeks, all I've heard is that Sarah's birthday is coming up and lots of attention has been given to the selection and purchasing of suitable gifts, appropriate acknowledgement of the date, blah, blah, blah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. sheesh! And now, the day, July 29, is finally here, thank the maker, right? So can we get back to talking mostly about me and Angus, important stuff, now? Bibi will even say: Big Happy Birthday shout out (meow out? purr out?), Sarah--whoever and wherever you are. Now, where are those treats--or did they get put in the presents that Sarah was sent?

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