Monday, October 22, 2012

Butch Walker CDs Found! AC/DC RULES!

The weekend had a wobbly start (and I don't even drink...that much)--had a strong urge to listen to The Rise and Fall of Butch Walker and The Spade in their entirety and could not find my Butch Walker cds. (Terrorized Bon Scott scream here!) Terrible sick feeling in my tummy--where could they be?  Made me think of the two times all my AC/DC cds were stolen--damn those thieving assholes!  They are definitely on really rutty Highway to Hell. Especially because I just hit it lucky, finding The Rise and Fall cd and Sycamore Meadows seemingly difficult to find, even on  Resisted rushing to the office--why would they be there?--and had to wait until today to see that, yes, they were at the office, safely stored (whose lame idea was this?).  Since I had them in my computer at home, I made some temporary replacements, so was able to listen to the first Butch Walker cd (for me), The Rise and Fall of Butch Walker and the Lets-Go-Out-Tonites.  Just love it.  Since I  knew Butch only from his appearance on LFDH and videos on YouTube, but hadn't heard any of his cds at the time I found this one at the HPB in Clear Lake, it was a perverse kind of revelation to me.  The music was so unlike the Butch that I knew--this album has a seen-it-all, LA noir feel to it.  He comes across as a totally  louche LA habitué, less the likable, sweet and affable Butch on LFDH.  However, we all know the irrestistable allure of that insider guy in any scene and the gritty world in which he lives the low life.  Go ahead, deeply inhale the faintly sweaty, mixed with alcohol and a soupҫon of after-sex taint in the music.  My favorites are Hot Girls in Good Moods (who doesn't like them or want to be them?) and Bethamphetamine ('Cause we're hotter when we don't give a damn) but the whole album has this 90's vibe, complete with great melodies and hip, snarky lyrics that keep the album going full speed, so also really like Ladies and Gentlemen..."The Let's-Go-Out-Tonites!" and Too Famous to Get Fully Dressed, and of course, When Canyons Ruled the City (...With her nose up in the air/Pushing up her horn rimmed glasses saying, I don't fucking care/ da da da...).  Wouln't it be the ultimate cool if Butch did one of these songs in an upcoming concert?  BTW--when is that upcoming concert????

Thinking about the famous The Butch Walker Mixtapes, some of the mis-steps I made, although I'm not apologizing for them, is that I tried to,

1. Set up the concept by putting Mixtape first
2. Give a judicious mix of Butch's different styles
Item 2 led me to include the best of each of the four cds which would give a fuller picture of Butch, but I don't know how motivated some listeners would be to listen to each song with appropriate consideration.

3.  not enough space on one cd to do this.
4.  In making II.2 with the idea of leaving out songs with the f and s words to broaden playability, had to leave out some really great songs.
5.  not enough space on one cd to do this for my specialized Butch Walker taste.

Just so glad I found the cds!

It ended up being a very good weekend:  began by taking Friday off, getting the place ready for Sarita's visit, finishing her costume--she liked it!--enjoying a relaxing, if short, visit with her.  Got some great work out of her, too!  We went through a small portion of my shoe population and got rid of 6-8 pairs--whoa!  She also loaded Rich Girl and Private Eyes to the PaperJamz guitar, so I'm almost ready for Friday's Fall Festival.  I'll be off work on Thursday, so plan to practice the moves and patter while I'm working on the other costume.  Very happy that the hat is just about done for that.  It's not professionally-made looking, but could work.  I might cave in and look for a real hat; not sure yet.

On the AC/DC front, found a news tidbit that thrilled:  the opening to Back in Black was voted the top riff of the 1980s.  Wonder what we would have thought of this in the 1980s? The article explains a bit about how this vote and results occcurred.  Brings to mind the polls about the presidential race--really, who's asking what questions and who are the people being questioned?  Any of those "undecided voters" aka idiots and/or voters suffering from attention deficit included in these polls? 

Greatest Guitar Riff of the 80s--and forever   I love this picture of Angus with his hair so short!                                                                                               

But I digress.  So wonderful that AC/DC is still and forever recognized.  When I saw them those oh, so few times in concert, I was surprized that BIB gets played so early in the concert, kind of like, well, let's go ahead and do it now.  I know:  they have so many hits, how to fit them all in and the new stuff.  Anyway, said it before:  AC/DC and Angus RULE.

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