Friday, October 5, 2012

Butch Walker--He Can Really Help You Out

Well now that the costume ideas are settled, nose to the grindstone making them, along with Sarah's costume--got her package with the material during the week--and, of course, the baby gift for Sanne.  First to prioritize the projects:  Sanne's gift is easy, already cut out, should be quick to sew together, but needs to be mailed to Holland, so it should be first.  Sarah's needs to be ready soon since they do a lot of local tv spots before the "Dance with the Dead" on October 27.  YES, my handiwork on view on tv--two years in a row!   And, either have to get her here for a fitting or drive to SA--ask tomorrow.  The cousins' Haunted Hollywood event is October 27, too, and that costume is elaborate, except for the wig and boots, have to make it all myself.  Boot shopping in the hood tomorrow since the costume will be color-coordinated with the boots.   The costume for Fall Festivus @ work--not sure of the date--really just needs wig and facial hair.  Think I can leave that for next weekend.  The costume prop is on its way, Amazon said.  Will wear one of those costumes for the Stitch n Bitch party.

Now that I read over this to-do list, it seems too real (as opposed to unreal, surreal or villarreal) and like a LOT of work.  The superior being, though,  can  often discover a silver lining to any self-imposed clouds.  Look what I found to encourage me to just grab on with gusto, y'all, to the upcoming challenges and make 'em happen, check this out:

Great picture, huh?  Berlin earlier this year.

And here's one I like even more, taken sometime in the further past. 

-----significant pause-----

OK--already feeling less beleagured, more energized, ready to, well at this late hour, read some light murder mystery, with no care in the world but getting a good night's rest before a full and fully fabulous day of fall-like weather and accomplishment tomorrow.  With lots and lots of Butch Walker as the audio track.  (In the movie, would Butch's music be on the radio or playing over flash cuts of idyllic Saturday errands, including the obligatory shopping bag with the baguette all while driving around with the top down?)  And, maybe "Casablanca" at midnight at the River Oaks tomorrow night.  Watching a classic movie the way God intended, on the glorious big screen in spectacular black n white, sounds like a very good Saturday ahead. 

Those pictures really did it for me--how about you? 

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