Thursday, April 23, 2009

Response to London Financial Times Review

I read a really negative review of the London shows--what's wrong with people?--and here's a letter that a fan wrote in response to the review in the London Financial Times:
Thunderstruck by rock's schoolboys
Published: April 21 2009 03:00 Last updated: April 21 2009 03:00
From Mr Anthony Kennaway.
Sir, Far be it from me to counter an arts correspondent but I was gravely disappointed by Ludovic Hunter-Tilney's review of the AC/DC concert at the O2 ("Heavy metal's eternal schoolboys", April 17). I was lucky enough to get a brace of tickets in the few hours before the whole concert was sold out. (They have then added another date at Wembley which sold out in a similar fashion) and could not see things more differently.On the night, Brian Johnson's phrase, "We've got some old songs and some new songs for you" was some of the best news I've heard this year and what followed was a rip-snorting two hours (non stop - take note Minogue, U2 et al) of barn storming guitar, great lyrics and 30,000 (or perhaps 29,999!) people reliving their youth. Johnson's voice can no longer hit all the notes that it once could but we are all older. I went with a lieutenant-colonel and met my European chief operating officer there. Yet none of us could resist reaching for the air-guitar during the foot stomping classics and as the lyrics all came flooding back.Mr Hunter-Tilney is misguided if he expected anything less than "priapic lyrics", manga cartoons of trains out of control and a 50-foot busty Rosie - it's what the rest of us were baying for. He's also missing out if he did not appreciate the "demented glissandi and convulsive arpeggios" - I bet Angus Young's solo blew Jimmy Page's socks off. [Jimmy Page was spotted at the concert.] No, AC/DC put on a great, great show. A blast from the past maybe. But even from where I sat, the rearmost seat of the top tier - they rocked the house, and more.

Anthony Kennaway, Acton, London

Anthony Kennaway got it so right! Great to see that the fans don't leave these things unanswered.

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