Sunday, June 14, 2009


So unbelievable that I can even write coherently! I said I'd be brutally honest about my AC/DC experience while prowling Europe and here it is (so far): the guys were way beyond fantastic by light years! They were incandescent, they were so on fire. The fans got a show of shows--everything was clicking, in sync, in incredible technicolor and LOUD, really LOUD, just like AC/DC has always said rock should be played. I'm still hoarse from all the singing, yelling, cheering--the crowd was so into it, too! Brian and Angus were fabulous, of course so were Malcolm, Phil and Cliff, but really, the band was hot! Best songs: Thunderstruck, Shot Down in Flames, Let there be Rock, Highway to Hell. And if it gives you any comparison, when they kicked into You Shook Me all Night Long, the crowd's wild reaction and the band's corresponding energy were already past 11--on a scale of 1-10--and that wasn't the best part of the show. Ok, so maybe I'm not so completely back to coherent yet, but maybe you get the idea of the power and kick-ass, no holds barred nature of the concert.

Whoa, I still haven't come down from the high and I haven't even told you about seeing/talking with Cliff again, briefly seeing Phil a couple of more times, seeing Brian for a couple of seconds, and in a way some of the best part of the experience, meeting so many cool people outside the hotel, hanging with them, becoming a part of a fantastic crowd of AC/DC fans--totally fab! My wonderful Paris friends, Marc and Jessica, their lovely children Stephane and Mathilde have really made the trip special--it's their computer I'm using now--I feel like the trip has been way more than I had hoped, already.

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