Thursday, November 15, 2012

Butch Walker and the Looming Fiscal Cliffs--no not really!

Haven't had time or energy to talk about Butch in the last few days.  What with work, life, and the looming fiscal cliffs facing America, the air is filled with dread, right? . . . although, like all of Butch's fans, that doesn't mean I don't think about him throughout the day.  Especially about seeing him in Chicago in December (Bon Scott scream here, but only on the inside.  I'm in a public place.).  If other fans are like me--and why wouldn't we basically all be the same?--you spend some time watching for tweets, checking for anything new on, are there any YouTube videos of Butch we haven't seen (see below), and what about that Calvin Klein ad from back in the day?  Is that really Butch Walker?  Guess we've all done things in our past that we wonder about later.  Not apologetically, necessarily; we just wonder about how/why we did them.  What we fans do know is that over time, Butch has inhabited many personae (ooooh, there's that big brain on Bibi, again).  Just look at his hair through the years, listen to his albums, the interviews some lucky, lucky few were able to score, to get a multi-faceted picture of THE Butch Walker.  Sometimes, in my more idle moments, I wonder if I would have liked Butch through all his versions since I'm so picky about tiny little things in general.  Slippery slope there.  Like the fiscal cliffs, maybe.  It must be very frustrating to be an economist listening to the inanities coming out of non-economist legislators' mouths and outright dodos talking economics.  Glad I'm not them and please, Mr. POTUS, don't bring Larry Summers back (that guy! what a jerk) to muck up the waters more than they are.  Looked at from that vantage point, guess waiting for Butch to make a concert appearance is relatively anxiety-free.

Last weekend, got a chance to talk Butch up to some new people.  Well, new people in terms of their connaissance de Butch Walker.  Some of them have known me for dog years and they're French.  Gave them copies of The Butch Walker Mixtape IV.3, talked about Chicago in December (woo hoo!), got suggestions on which smart phone to buy.  They're on the upper end of the economic scale so of course they said the iPhone. Unequivocally, they love their iPhones 4.  They like me, so they were very indulgent about this Butch Walker phase, listened with interest about how it has evolved, what Butch is all about.  Guess that's why I like them, too, right?  They've been with me since before the AC/DC-Angus phase.  Marc has a special place in my rocker heart since he's my Paris AC/DC concert buddy as well as my entree to the guys' hotel.  I will always and forever love him for that.  Plus, I like these people so much, I not only drank (and drank) Champagne and had a couple of shots of bourbon with them to celebrate Marc's birthday.  They only buy the good stuff, so it's not so bad as having to share Andre with people at the usual parties.  So, it was a very pleasant time, indeed.  Hope they follow through and really listen to the BWM IV.3 (includes Freak of the Week).

Recently, Butch suffered what could have been a career-shattering blow to the face from one of his band mates.  Chipped tooth!  In the LA culture, devastating.  Butch really suffers for his art!

I guess the moustache is coming along...okay?  Thought/hoped there might be then and now moustache photos on Movember, but not so far.  If he were to do that, would it mean more donations?  Think about it, Butch.

Also, saw a funny video of someone playing Let It Be in the background with Butch saying let it be in the right places in the song.  Honestly, what fans think is entertaining.  I thought it was very entertaining.

Butch hangs out in a musical bar

Have to say--again--Butch is really easy to look at.  And he's so camera-ready!  It  just loves him!  To our benefit.  Thanks, Butch!

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