Thursday, November 22, 2012

Butch Walker Story for the New York Times, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone

Bibi was wondering if any of the influential print/online news sources will be reviewing Butch's shows in Chicago.  Using Kevin's advice from Home Alone: don't be afraid of the basement, just check it out.  (That's what Bibi heard.) So, I plan to email the New York Times,  the New Yorker and Rolling Stone.  Not that I read RS with any regularity, but I do read the other two all the time.  AND, Rolling Stone seriously owes Butch after that introduction at Petty Fest a week or so ago.  Watch that flub here:

  Butch at Petty Fest, Break Down 

Can almost forget the mis-introduction.  Butch delivers a sizzling version of Break Down, like the pro he is!  Again!

It may be a long shot, but due diligence on the part of an avowed Butch Walker fan is the way I look at it.  They might not know that Butch will be performing in Chicago in December and if I don't say something, they could miss out on an article their readers would otherwise clamor for, right?   Butch has merited at least mentions by all three in the past, so it's not like he's an unknown entity to them.  He's talented, personable, a great interview, a notable crowd draw for boisterously memorable shows,  and the holiday season needs some non-holiday articles to get us into the new year.  Win, win, win, win all the way around.

Will begin work on the email tonight; has to be truly readable and worth following up.  Have some time before December 30, but want to give them some lead time and you know how it goes sometimes. 

Fingers crossed!

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