Monday, November 5, 2012

The Butch Walker Ameliorative Effect at Work

Lordy, lordy, some Mondays are the most soul-deadening days of the week!  Just getting to work was an ordeal--two wrecks to get past.  So much for getting (vaguely) to work "early" or at least not late.  Once I got there, almost immediately:  REGISTRATION EMERGENCY!!!  Geez, everybody get a grip, please.  No emergency except once again, some people insist on not doing their work.  Instead, let's get everyone in the tri-state area hyped up about . . . n o t h i n g.  Bibi wishes they would just deposit the paycheck in the account and DON'T MAKE ME COME HERE everyday for this abuse.  Nothing for me to do but stay calm, go to the internet, click on to Butch Walker Say It Isn't So, sit back and let it flow over me.  I was soon restored, set the "emergency" right and was (more or less) ready for the rest of the weirdness that came down the pike for the rest of the day. 

I soon realized that I would have to stay late.  No problem:  let's listen to The Butch Walker Mixtape II.2.  Really have been preferring IV.2, but whatever.  So, yes, I was able to get through the rest of the late afternoon with equanimity.  I'm telling you:  there is NOTHING like the Butch Walker Ameliorative Effect (BWAE) to get you past the rough spots of the day. 

Didn't use the ultimate in BWAE today--certain pictures of Butch--but here's one for my vast and loyal readership. 
Bibi hasn't expressed her views on guns previously, cats don't think about guns much, but I will say I was  surprized that Butch was into this.  Don't think it means he packs heat everywhere he goes and that he's NRA, so will just leave it at you can never tell what those rock stars will be into for their leisure activities.

A bit nervous (not quite as if in a room full of rocking chairs) about the election results tomorrow.  Thinking I will stay up late, if required.  Paws SO crossed!

Thanks, Butch, for helping me through today!

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