Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving and of course, Butch Walker

Yay, Thanksgiving!  It's a great time marker--the year's coming to a close soon and let's think about how things have gone so far.  The good and the bad, the ups and the downs, what's been accomplished, left to be done.  Uh-oh.  Could get scary and maudlin fast,  mine field promenade area, so let's not go too far.  What to be especially thankful for?  In the land of milk and honey to spare, now that the President is elected and our way of living is secure once more, so thankful that the family is fully-employed, homes secure, in relatively good health.  Hope things hold through the holidays.

But let's get serious, right?  Really thankful for discovering Butch Walker.  Found a cd cover I hadn't seen before:   
Another one of the things I really like about Butch--he has such a sense of humor!  Not just a pretty, pretty  face with a great voice and music.   lol I realize I lose some of the significance since I never saw, much less heard the cds that are being spoofed.  But now, would really like to have the cd.  My Black Friday schedule:  get up at the usual weekend time (10 am ish), breakfast, drive to Clear Lake to check out the Half Price Books where I found my first Butch Walker cd, The Rise and Fall of Butch Walker.  That location will always have a cherished place in my heart.  We'll see.

For a long time now, I've gone to bed early....well, not really, just quoting from one of my readers' favorite books, In Remembrance of Things Past. another lol  The point is that Thanksgiving is such a time of remembering the past, triggered by food, food smells, for Bibi, food tastes, since she can't smell anything.  Mostly, Thanksgiving reminds me that family is interesting and great for me in limited, if intense, doses.  The food is secondary to catching up, touching base, sharing the day, the recent events.  Hope everyone has a great day!  Also, don't get trampled tomorrow at the sales.

Have more to say on other Butch-related topics, so later!  Love you, Butch!

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